I’ve spoken at events all across the country and been interviewed for atleast one podcasts.

One of my favorite ways to share my ideas is live on stage, where there’s so much more communication bandwidth than there is in writing, and I love podcast interviews because they give me the opportunity to answer questions instead of just present my opinions.


Building Brands Customers *Actually* Love

2019 LiveRez Partner Conference, Keynote

Short-term thinking, and marketing myopia, are the biggest threats to brand success. In this talk, I share the 3 most important things you can do to build a brand that customers love.

Building winning customer experiences

2018 VRMA International Conference

Brand success is built on a foundation of customer experiences that are so good, customers can’t help but tell their friends.

Conference Organizer / Leader

2018 Short-Stay Business Development Summit

Lead an intense 2-day workshop leading business leaders through thought exercises designed to deliver breakthroughs on their most pressing business challenges.

Building Internal Products that drive amazing customer experiences

2017 LiveRez Partner Conference

Incredible customer experiences are built on a foundation of internal processes and products that facilitate maximum customer delight.

Work/Life Balance is a myth - priorities are everything

VRMA 2017 Spring Conference

A technical deep-dive into HelioStream, the real-time streaming library I wrote for transmitting live video back to Earth.


Marketing 101

GuestX Podcast, Oct 2021

Great marketing for brands so often starts with getting the basics really, really right and then building from there.